Musical Director Hat
Musical Director Hat
After years of being the keyboardist/musical director for many different artists, I’ve developed a job description. Below is a brief summary.
Overall my job is to help create a professional, viable product both for live performances and recorded music that will be well thought of and be a high standard, as close to other successful performers as possible, within a reasonable budget. Also, to help make things run smoothly so we all can make music and have fun!
My duties are:
- help choose songs and/or co-write new ones
- write arrangements/charts
- rehearse with the artist
- write the set list
- choose personnel in band who are great musicians and nice guys
- hire & fire musicians
- give gig details to the musicians
- rehearse the band
- determine appropriate band pay and inform the artist
- play the gigs and direct the band during the gigs
- find soundman & roadies as needed
- deal with the technical details of sound equipment
- create stage plot and input list, give to sound crew in advance
- create a band of happy musicians by granting them beingness to do their thing, so they won’t have any unexpressed resentment
- police the lines within the band to keep the band morale high
- handle communication between the artist and the band
- give & receive info with the artist management re: schedules, band bios, etc
- in general flow power to the artist
- produce the recordings
- do any correction cycles with the band and/or the artist to correct outnesses in the live performances and recordings